Step 1: Create fields in Attio

Decide what type of data you want to sync from Kondo to Attio and create fields for them. Here are common fields:

  • Kondo URL

  • Kondo label

  • Kondo label timestamp

  • Kondo latest message

  • Kondo full conversation history

  • Kondo notes

Step 2: Receive Webhook

Create a new workflow in Attio and select the trigger type “Receive Webhook”

Step 3: Parse JSON

Add a step Parse JSON, and create one field for each type of data you want to sync from Kondo to Attio.

Use these path names to get the right data from Kondo, and give them whatever Alias you want

  • data.contact_first_name

  • data.contact_last_name

  • data.contact_connected_at

  • data.contact_connected_by

  • data.contact_linkedin_handle

  • data.contact_linkedin_uid

  • data.contact_linkedin_url

  • data.contact_headline

  • data.contact_location

  • data.contact_picture

  • data.conversation_latest_content

  • data.conversation_latest_timestamp

  • data.conversation_history

  • data.conversation_starred

  • data.conversation_status

  • data.conversation_state

  • data.kondo_url

  • data.kondo_note

  • data.kondo_labels[0].kondo_label_name (note: this gives you the first label in Kondo if you have multiple, add additional fields and map it to another path with the number [0] to 1,2,3, etc.)

  • data.kondo_labels[0].kondo_labeled_at

Step 4: Find record

Find a matching record in Attio to update. Note that for this to work well, your records in Attio need to already have a Linkedin URL.

If you don’t have this set up, you can use First Name / Last Name to get an approximate match

Step 5: Update record

Use the record found in Step 4 and map new values to the Kondo fields you want to populate