Kondo is built around an Inbox Zero workflow. That means treating your inbox like a to-do list and emptying it out regularly.

Why would I want to do this?

If your inbox is a long endless list, you likely spend lots of time scrolling around looking for stuff, or trying to mark things as ‘unread’ or ‘starred’ to find them later. This is a huge waste of time.

Instead, we want to help you spend all your time getting things done instead of looking for things to do.

Inbox Zero makes life simple - every day, your goal is the same. Empty your inbox, and if you do that, you will be 100% sure you have not missed a thing.

So what do I do?

Use the 3 main actions in Kondo to get your inbox to zero.

  • Archive (shortcut “E”) conversations you are done with (they will come back if you get a new DM)

  • Snooze (shortcut “H) conversations you want to be reminded to return to later (they will return to the very top of your inbox)

  • Label (shortcut “L”) conversations you want to split into a different tab, then archive or snooze them as well.

But I don’t want to delete anything…what if it’s important?

When you move your books from your desk to your shelf, are you deleting your books?

Think about archiving messages in the same way, we’re not getting rid of anything for good, just moving them somewhere else, out of our to-do list.